Setting up your Yubico Security Key

Before using your Yubico Security Key, you must first set it up and give it a unique personal identification number (PIN) before you can sign in to your work or school account using the key. You may have up to 10 keys registered with your account.

Before you begin setting up your Yubico Security Key, be sure to have your key nearby.

1. Go to the “My Profile” page at and sign in with your Niagara College – Toronto (NCT) student email.

2. Select “Security Info”, select “Add method”, and then select “Security key” from the drop-down list.

3. In the “Add method” box, select “Security key” from the drop-down list.


4. Select “Add”, and then select the type of security key you have, either USB device or NFC device.

5. Click “Next” In the box titled “Security key”.

A new box will appear to lead you through the next steps.

  1. 6. Select “Next” in the box titled, “Setting up your new sign-in method” and then:

a. If your security key is a USB device, insert your security key into the USB port of your device.

b. If your security key is an NFC device, tap your security key on your NFC reader.

  1. 7. Type your unique security key PIN into the Windows security box, and then select “OK”. You will return to the “Setting up your new sign-in method” box.

  2. 8. Select “Next”.

  3. 9. Return to the “Security info” page, name your security key something you will be able to identify easily, and then select “Next”.

  1. 10. Your security key is now registered and you will now be able to sign in to your Niagara College – Toronto (NCT) account.

  2. 11. Select “Done”to close the security key box.

  3. The “Security info” page is updated with your security key information.