Career Books to Inspire and Motivate

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Whether you are starting out in your chosen career, about to make a career shift or looking to advance your personal and professional development, staying motivated and inspired in your studies is an important part of working towards your goals. If you are looking for something to help you stay focused on your goals, we’ve got your covered with a list of books for career advice to inspire and motivate.

The 5 am Club by Robin Sharma

Elite performance and leadership expert Robin Sharma encourages readers to get an early start in the morning to maximize productivity and upgrade health and happiness. Learn how world business leaders and historical geniuses start their day and get the tips and tricks to how you can get out of bed feeling inspired and ready to tackle what life has in store!

The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

Having spent four years on the New York Times Best Seller list and sold over 2 million copies, Tim Ferriss’s The 4 Hour Work Week asks readers to think about their “lifestyle design” and what they want their work-life balance to look like. The book explores short work bursts versus long-haul career lifestyles and offers tips and advice on how to live like a millionaire even if you aren’t one.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

Viewing inspiration as a powerful tool in guiding human behaviour, Start With Why explores the importance of leadership and purpose in having a successful career. The book discusses outside-the-box creative thinking and how leaders can inspire change and action, with examples from the innovative thinkers and great leaders of our time.

The Quarter-Life Break Through by Adam Smiley Poswolsky

If you are looking for meaning and purpose in your work, Adam Smiley Poswolsky’s The Quarter-Life Breakthrough is a great place to start. Inspiring and honest career advice, this book asks readers to embrace meaning in the work we commit our lives to and offers practical tips to find the careers that are impactful and fulfilling while still paying the rent.


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